Votes pour l'AG 2020
Group / Organization: SAM
End of the voting:
Friday 11 December 2020 11:00PM
Registered voters:
Date | Event |
Friday 11 December 2020 8:20PM |
Start |
Friday 11 December 2020 9:02PM |
Anticipated closing |
Approuvez-vous le rapport moral ?
The “yes” (100%) wins over the “no” (0%).
Number of votes:Yes: 44
No: 0
No opinion: 1
Approuvez-vous les rapports d'activité ?
The “yes” (100%) wins over the “no” (0%).
Number of votes:Yes: 44
No: 0
No opinion: 1
Approuvez-vous les rapports financiers ?
The “yes” (100%) wins over the “no” (0%).
Number of votes:Yes: 44
No: 0
No opinion: 1
Approuvez-vous le budget prévisionnel ?
The “yes” (100%) wins over the “no” (0%).
Number of votes:Yes: 44
No: 0
No opinion: 1